Thursday, September 9, 2010

4th period Stories

Fourth Period: Share a story Here! Proofread before you post!


  1. What i really want is a brand new jet sky. Model 2011 yamaha fuel injected.
    red and black.We used to have one just like it butt we got a new boat.I told my dad i was going to buy one for my self he said no so i guess ill have to wait till im 16 to buy my car and pull it.

  2. If i was given three wishes I would make one wish to have a connected family cause most of my family is not connected. Another wish I would want to have is to play in the NFL so I could become rich and famous.The last wish I would want is to have a good life.

  3. What really want is a 2011 Dodge ram 2500 . My dad has one and I love driving it even though i am not supposed to . Also i want a 2010 Yamaha Grizzly 700 four wheeler .

  4. Guatemalteca(leticia)September 10, 2010 at 9:04 AM

    ;pHave you ever wanted something that you can't have? I have and I still want things that I can't have. For example I wanted Art class to learn how to draw and express my feelings when I could. Instead of saying what I felt I could have drawn it. Some thing happened I didn't get that class. I got really mad, but at what? Really, I didn't know the teachers just picked kids, any ways a teacher can't handle so many kids that apply for Art. Just that there was so much kids and I didn't get lucky, things happen.;p

  5. "Out at sea"
    One day my friends and I were riding our jet ski's. Were seeing who can go faster. Next thing I know I hit a big piece of metal in the water. My jet ski goes crazy. Its going to the left and the right and going as fast as it can. I look around and see only water, no sign of my friends just me only me. I start to panic I scream, "Lauren, Peyton, Caitlyn". Next thing I know I hear a loud noise. I look around and then into the water and there is a shark fighting with another shark. I'm freaking out by this time. I tried to calm myself down but all i could think of was those sharks are going to eat me! I'm sitting on the jet ski with my feet on the handles telling myself its going to be okay.
    "Hannah," i hear a strange voice calling my name. "Hannah," there it was again. I look around and don't see anyone but the sharks. "Hannah" i hear my name one more time. All the sudden the sharks start calming down. I look over to the sunset and see my dad riding on a boat followed by more boats. My dad came and got me and all my friends were asking me if i was alright.

  6. One day when i was at home, me and my sister were planning a trick so we can trick our mom on April fools day. We thought for hours. Finally, we thought of a plan. We thought that we would put ketch-up on a knife and get everyone out of the house. My dad was with the plan too. So we did that and when my mom came home from work, she freaked out. No one was at home and so she didn't know what to do. We where all outside in the back, but she didn't know. She looked everywhere but in the back. We thought it was hilarious. She finally looked outside where we was. She was very mad. But she still laughed. It was really funny and I'm glad we did it.

  7. once i was at the bank, and you know how the bank teller gives you one sucker, well i was standing in line and waiting for them to cash this check that i had got for my birthday.When i was waiting there there was this kid in front of me and the bank teller said would you like a sucker and instead of one he got like ten. i thought that wasn't fair........

  8. :)I like to have something like art because is my favorite subject in school but I do no have art I have study hall.l want art because i good in this subject.I do how draw and every like picture, photograph.I see my friends has art an like how draw because....

  9. If i was given three wishes i would first wish that i had lots of money so i could buy anything i wonted like a new house. Second, i would wish for my dad to be out of prison so we could go fishing and 4 wheeler ridin. Third, i would wish that i had a big huge house so that my family could move in with me like my grandma and my aunt and uncle so i wouldnt have to worry aout seeing them.
