Wednesday, September 16, 2009


OK students! Progress Reports have now gone home. How do you feel about your grades? (I'm not just talking about English). I want to hear from each of you about your goals for the year. Are you DISAPPOINTED in yourself? DELIGHTFULLY SURPRISED? What steps can you make towards making this a great school year? What changes could you make at home, at school, church, basketball practice, or band? Post these comments for us all to share and see, you can hold one another accountable! Let's turn it around! It's never too late to improve. :)


  1. I want to grow in my profession this year. Only having taught for 4 years, I am eager to grow and learn more! My plan for the year is to become a National Board certified teacher. If I put my mind to it, I know I can reach this goal! :)

  2. I made great grades on my progress report- so I'm just going to keep it up!

  3. well, when I think about the year ahead of me, I think of a lot of stuff I would like to accomplish. I want to show my parents I have am responsible so I can get a yorkie puppy like I've always wanted!!! I also want to learn some gymnastics so I can try out for cheerleader next year. I'm pretty excited about it. Also- grade wise, I think I could definatley use some improvement in Math. I'm going to take more time with my homework. I kinda rush through t most days.

  4. i am surprised because i've never been good at math... science is basically my average and p.e is REALLY sorda kinda easy. i'm not all that great at reading but i still made an A. I'mma keep it up :)

  5. I kind of made good grades,most of the were B and A and i think i have i c. I need to keep this up or else i will get in trouble.

  6. Hey my name is Oscar Perez. And i like this class because i have all my friends in this class. Also this is my 3rd favorite class. My 1st favorite class is Mrs. Couch and my 2nd class is Mrs. Loveday. And this is my 3rd favorite class. I also made good grades on my progress report. So i don't want to get in trouble so i can keep my grades up. :)

    { * 3L @/\/G3LI+0 * }

  7. i am surprised because this year i am doing so much better i math!! and my average was so much better then last year and hope i get an A in all of my tests thats my short term goal and my long term goal is to graduate from high school and i know i can accomplish it if i put my mind in to it!!. :)

  8. Im Yasin Escalante and i made A B C on my report card
    if i keep this up I wont be here next year. in math I have a B+, and in miss Naugher's class I learn to use the talking scale. I also learn a lot of stuff, like when we read the story called SUCKER.

  9. my name is Carlos Ceron. and i like this class because i have all my friend in this class. my 1st favorite class is Mrs. couch and my 2nd favorite class is p.e. because a like to play soccer . an also my 3rd favorite class is Miss. Naugher's. an i also make good grades on my progress report. so i don't want to get in trouble so i can keep my grades up. :)

  10. well i feel good about my grades because i did good this year more then last year and all well my average is A or sometimes also a B. And i well try my best this year or though the year i will try my hard to reach my goal. I also want to make new friends and all but now i have the greatest homies or friends in school and they are the best. We will try hard to help my friends and what they need well my friends are Rosalina, Yasmin, Cecilia C, Guadalupe, Maria Andres, Carlos C, Oscar Perez, Yasin, Luis A., Marcelino, Alma, and even Celina, are the great friends that you can wish for. And i have more friends but this are the ones that i hang around the most in school or out of school well all of us are happy because we did a reat good on our Progress Reports.

  11. Japan Girl Rosalina GomezSeptember 17, 2009 at 6:32 AM

    hey this years i feel good because i made a great on my progress report. well this years i wont to learn more math stuff.i was think to get my goal for this years. Well i have a great friends they are Cecilia,Maria Gaspar,Celina,Yasmin ,Guadalupe,Alma,Maria Andres and Alma....they are my homies girl for ever!!!!!!

  12. *(:Well I nEveR Thought I WAz GOnNa be gOod aT mAtH untIL I got mY PrOgReSs rePoRt deFintlEy Got A's rEalLy noT a gOoD A sTuDenT buT i'Ll jUsT trY aNd kEep It uP AnD dO bEsT THIs tHiS yEaR:)*

  13. my first day in of school i was sad because i feel something and my next day of school i feel different like i like the school because i have class with my friends. my friend sit close were i sit and the teacher is nice to me.

  14. M412!4 =D C0I2+32 5A!D...... WELL,DIS YEAR I HAVE REallY....bAd GrAdEs i hAvE (((((((3)))))))) F & 2 ((((B))))) & oNlY 1 (((A))) sO iM NoT dO!N 6r8 d!$ >-3@12*:( *lA-f123$!ta & lA r3yNa aMiGoSoSaS........[:*LOL*:]

  15. hey my name is Cecilia Cordova well i never had thought tHaT i WoUlD make goOd grades but guess what i did and i like that and i hope i can keep it up and i love Mrs.Naugher as my teacher cause i like it when she tells us that is time for the breathing technic and i just think that this year its gonna be soO koOl and easy:)....=p

    *^L@ Comp!++@^*
    *^D3 G+0^*

  16. 4lm4 g4lv4n S4!D...!!!!!
    w3ll ummmm L4ST Y34R I K!ND OF H4D B4D GR4D3Z !N MY PROGR3SS R3PORT B3C4US3 ! D!DNT DO MY H0M3 WORK:( BUT D!Z YE4R !LL ( TRY ) TO D0 MY H0M3 WORK 4ND !LL TRY T0 D0 g00000D GRAD3Z

    ! L0V3 SCH00L

  17. *M@r!@ AndR35 Th3 @Ng3l*September 17, 2009 at 6:37 AM

    Well i make a great grades and some bad grades on my progress report. I need to keep doing my homework so that I don't fell class. Well all I think is about the race in cross country I need to practices running with my teams.I sometimes think about my grades on each class that I am doing well. Next years, I might do well on the race and my parent want me to make a good grades in each work and so that I can get a I touch phone or anything else and I hope that I make good grades in this years and next years too!!!!!!!!

  18. i made good grades on my progress report:) i could of done a lil better in math but i still passed. my favorite subject is science and i made a really good grade in there. i hope i keep all my grades up!

  19. Hello my name is Sergio Zavala. I like this class because I'm good at it. I don't like reading but I have to because I want to keep up my grades. This is one of my favorite class because we don't do a lot of hard work. My progress report is good so I will keep it up.

  20. i made good grades on my progress report. i passed every class. i need to make up some work in math and i will have a even better grade. my goal is to keep all my grades average so i can pass and become a freshman:) wooo hoo!

  21. I am actually quite proud of my grades. I only had two B's! I still think i could've done better because we haven't even came that far in the year but my grades were pretty good! My goal for school this year would most defiantly to make all A's and stay in NJHS. It would also be to improve my skills in choir on reading musical notes. I also can't wait to try out for Show Choir next year for my freshman year! I also have to practice alot for the talent show because I want to win!

  22. My goals for this year were to make all A's on my report cards, and to make it in Jazz Band. I made it in Jazz Band and so far I have all A's.

  23. I was fine with my grades. In English i had a 100. In math i had a 95. Science i had a 86. social studies i had a 76 but i have to take a test so it will be better. I had a 95.5 in Vocal point. I'm doing much better in science then last year. I like all my teachers. here is my schedule Math, English, computers, Vocal point, P.E., Science, Social Studies.

  24. My progress report was alright mostly Bs.There just a part of school . I wish we could wate till are report cards to go crazy about our grades my are usually good As and Bs and a C in english sometimes.

  25. I am glad about my grades they surprised me allot my grades were better than ever before my math was better this year it was a 74 last year and now it is a 88 this year English was allot better this year to science was the best grade it was a 98 that is probably the best grade i will ever have in science band is one of my favorite things about school cause we do all kinds of stuff we go to all kinds of band concerts and every thing it is one of the best things to join journalism is cool to we get to work on the year and do school papers to it is a good period to.

  26. i fell delightfully about my grades. My goals for this year is to have good grades all year studying hard that will make a good year and good grades!!!!!!

  27. well, i like my grades but i now i can do better then what i did.

  28. i fell delightfully about my grades. My goals for this year is to have good grades all year studying hard that will make a good year and good grades!!!!!!

  29. i made grades that were ok some of them i can make them better. like in mr bairds i can really do better. in mrs naughers class i did pretty good, last year in mrs west class i did horrible in there but i have improved a lot. in algebra im doing good in there. history is my best class because i am a history type person. in business technology i can bring my grades up in there. and in tech exploration that class is awesome.

  30. I am glade that I got all A's and B's. I thought that I would at least a C on my progress report. I always thought that I couldn't reach for my goals. For example, I didn't chicken out in choir a few weeks ago.I always knew that I would reach up to my goals.My year will be great again.

  31. well when i was really nervous. like i never made a 99.35 in math in my average!!!! in science i also got a 94.something. so this is really happy about this:)

  32. *M∂†Th∑w_n∆§h**September 17, 2009 at 7:11 AM

    well i like my grades i got straight A's and i am pretty proud of that..... my goals for this year is to get an A average in algebra..... algebra is kinda hard sometimes..... but i know i can do it :D

  33. I doing kind of good i can't say that my grades are bad or good ,but there o.k. grades ,the year is going slow and i think i will learn something this year i don't know what it is but its like any other school year and try to get good grades. :)

    Well i think i did DELIGHTFULLY my grades was so good i think i can keep it up for the school that can be one of my goals for the school year i will just have to study more and keep up with my grades i could changes by having more time in the day to do homework.

  35. My grades were fine other than the day I wasn't here in Ms. Naugher's class. It counted as a zero so I have to make it up one day so I can raise my grade. This year I plan to make straight A's like every other year.

  36. I fell GREAT about my grades. I was really happy that i got all A's. Last year i got A's && B's. Im going to try && keep this up. Im going to study harder. Most the time you have to have good grades to play softball,cheerleading,football,etc. Yesterday when i told my parents that i got all A's they said they would have to take me out to eat. (:

  37. I like this class because it is very relaxing, because the lights are low and there is music playing. And your an awesome teacher
    On my progress report was really good i have got all A's. In math I got 91, in here I have a 93, in business tech I got a 97 , science I have a 94, geography I have a 96. Thanks for being a great teacher

  38. i make good grades mostly all a's. it's pretty easy for me to maintain an a average all year. i'm doing great in english because i have a good vocabulary and i like to read. i might try to keep my grades up.

  39. I made good grades

  40. I fill good about my grades! My grades are better than last year!My goal for this year is to keep my good grades and to study more to make those good grades!

  41. I made good grades this year. I hope to keep up my grades to stay in NJHS. I want to make all A's just like last year. I think that I will have no problem keeping my grades up. Ms. Naugher's class is awesome.

  42. hello ppls um my name is Rebeca Chagolla um my grades are good i guess nd um i hope they stay like that i kno they are not bt either ways =)
    um im liken 8th grade nd later on i hope ill still like it i guess. . . . . . <333333
    *_* L0\/3N /\/\Y PPL$ *_*

  43. Angelina Pedro was here!!!
    H! m>- n@m3 !$ Angie
    (((((! @^^ N%+ @ N3rl) l3u++))))
    :) i Am Glad to make good Grade dis year.i Have all **@'s**. i want 2 keep it up. I wish i was mart but i m not relli. MRS. NAUGHER ROCKS ANYONE THAT DON''T TINK SHE NICE WELL I TINK YO HAVE SOM PROBLEM MEN!!!!!!! She is da best teacher in da 8th Grade.See ya G2G. ''l@_(l-l!$_=l)_gu@+3'' (((-lol-**))

  44. I was so excited when she gave me my progress report because I actually have an A in Algebra. This time I made all A's which is great. I hope they stay this way!! I really like eighth grade!! All of my teachers are great. I think being the older class in the school is much more fun than being the youngest!!

  45. i made all a's except in this class because i forgot to do my homework so i have a 50. that is my worst class so i sorta dont mind because we have only had 2 assignments. it kinda made me mad but it was my fault so i had to take. Thats All Folks


  46. I was really expecting to have a "B" in Algebra. And I was kinda getting bummed cause one of my goals for this year is to have all "A's" and when I got my progress report I ALMOST had a "B", but didnt :) I had a 90. Which is extremely close, but it's still an "A" sooo I'm happy :)

  47. I made a lot of good grades but i know i can do better. so next time im going to try harder on my homework. Even though i got all a's i still can do better. I hope you......Ms. Naugher you reach your gaol at becoming a National Board Certified Teacher or (NBCT). This near is going be a fun year in your class.

  48. When I got my progress report i was pretty happy with it. I had made all A's in my classes. I know that one of my teachers had not put all of my grades in yet so I hope that doesn't bring my grade down a lot. I was really nerves about taking Mr. Williams class because I had him last year for the math team and didn't really understand what he was trying to teach me. I was use to having Mrs. Stewart and she made everything really easy and she taught in a way that I could understand, so this year I have had to work really hard in math to keep up my grade. I hope that I continue to keep up my grades.

  49. My progress report I would have to say was really awesome this time around. I made all A's and my lowest grade was a 98 which I was really excited about. I can already tell that 8th grade is going to be one of my greatest years ever. And do you know what I was most surprised about? Was the fact that I made a 100 in Mr. Williams algebra class. I was like "Whoa!" So, I realize that to keep my grades up I definitely need to continue studying and working hard.

  50. I was worried about when my progress reports came out because my Dad said that if I get an 88 or below I wouldn't be able to read for 6 months. And I was like how am I gonna get my A.R. points and HE said make all 89s or above and you won't have to worry about that. I got my report card and I my lowest grade was a 92 I was happy and my Dad was happy too.

  51. When I got my progress report i was very pleased with my grades! I always have all A's; the only time I've made a B was last year in Drama class because i missed a play for being and sick and my teacher counted it as "unexcused". My parents have never been the type to say, "98?? why don't you have a 100??" they are always happy when i make A's, high or low. There isn't much improvement that can be done to improve my grades. My lowest is in social studies; a 97.73. which, if you round it up, is a 98!(: I hope I can keep my grades up throughout the year and make straight A's! (:

  52. Hi Miss Naugher!! I am proud of myself this year! I told my mom that i was going to change this year into a better person. So far I think it has worked. I haven't made anything less than a 94 so far so i think i am doing good. I am recently working on making my grades better so that i ca get a scholarship! Education is everything to me and my family. I would like to improve in my community service and school activities for extra things to put on my college application. I know i am young to be thinking about this but it is important to me. I love your class so much thank you for making learning fun!! ily Miss Naugher!!

  53. Well i made really good grades on my progress report. I was really surprised because my lowest grade was a 96.... but it was a good surprise. I hope i can keep it up.

  54. When i first got my progress report I was freaked out. The day before I saw I got a 60 on a test in math so I was afraid for my mom to see my grade, but my average in math was still I had a 92. All my other grades were still good. I got all A's so it was all good for me. My mom wasn't even mad.

  55. I have all A's so far that is FLIPPIN' SWEET! . I hope I can keep them up this 9 weeks. I have a91 in coach Orr's class so I have to be careful if I want to keep an A. My highest grade was in here, I got a 100! WWWOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. When i got my progress report i was very proud of my grades!! I have all A's so far this year! I am going to try and keep my grades like that for the whole year! Last year i had 2 B's I think so i am going to try and have all A's this year! My lowest grade was in science and that was a 94.20, i thought i was going to have like a B in that class. I was surprised to see that!! I was very pleased with my progress report!!

  57. I feel pretty well about my grades. I had 4 one hundreds a ninety seven and a ninety five in Algebra One. I think I can do much better on my Algebra. I would like to have straight one hundreds but I don't think that will happen this nine weeks. I would like to have a great school year and I think if everyone would just act a little more mature than there age it could be a GREAT one! ;) I made my site account the very first time I ever blogged on this web page. I think this is going to be a great year not only in English but in every class throughout the school year!

  58. I did okay on my progress report. I'm not doing too well in this class, though. But I'm sure that there will be several more assignments for me to bring my grade back up with.

  59. I was happy to see my progress report, I made all A's and it was a relief! I was suprised that I made all A's so far, some of my classes have been a little difficult. I hope I can keep it up all year! =)

  60. my progress report is really good. I'm very proud of myself. i made all A's and my lowest grade was a 98. I hope i do this good or even better for the rest of the year. I'm excited because this year is the best year ever! I'm especially excited about vocal point, band and english. i thought i would never like english because i was never really good at ever before and now it's really fun. i guess it all depends on who your teacher is. if you have a good teacher you are more likely to do better in that class. if you have a bad teacher, you might not do as well. Miss Naugher is a really good teacher, so I'm doing pretty well in her class:)

  61. I made pretty good on my progress report i had an A in every single class,Im also a member of national junior honor society so ill have to keep my straight As.When I think about the years ahead of me my goal is to graduate high school with really good grades and go to a good college,maybe Alabama or Auburn or even some other college in another state.

  62. I made good grades as usual. All A's. The lowest grade I made was a 92. I have a 100 in this class. It's easy as long as you know how to write a good story and can remember vocab.

  63. My progress report was great! I made all 100's except for a 98 in one class. I'm sure I can make it a 100 by the end of the nine weeks though.My primary goal this year is to do well in school and to just have fun. So far, 8th grade has been fantastic! All of my classes are great and I'm having fun. Since the year is off to such a great start, I know I will reach my goal this year! :)

  64. I feel good about my grades this year so far. I had all As on my progress report and my lowest grade is a 98! This year I am going to work hard to keep an A in algebra and pass all of my tests(:

  65. Omg! I was so surprised on what my grades were! i thought was gonna make two Bs but they were As! My goal for this year is too keep my grades up... and especially try hard in math. Im usually good but Im in algebra and its hard. For me, i think the reason is that i can't understand what he's explaining. Everything else s pretty easy though
    I think the hardest test i have had so far is in here adv. English.


  66. i was really surprised with my grades i had all A's my lowest was 90 and idc im still happy wiht it........right now im playing volleball then goin straight into basketball then softball GO AGGIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!ok that is all i have to say for now

  67. I was pretty surprised I got all A's and one B. The B was from science, I have trouble in science. But my parents say I have to have all A's, so I'm going to try harder to get my grades up.I think I'll do better on my next progress report or report card.

  68. I'm very proud of my grades. I was most surprised by my math grade. I am in Algebra 1 this year and it's a lot harder than I expected it to be. I do have all A's, and I hope I mostly keep up the grade in math. The other classes, like science and english, and social studies are so easy for me to remember and focus easily on. I can't wait to see what my progress report looks like. :)

  69. well, i made really good grades i made a, b, and c's i was really proud of my self. i get to keep my phone till i get my report card i was really surprised about my grade in math i have a B. Last year in 7th i had a D but it might be because i have a tutor in math and she goes to this school and she is in advanced her name is Wendy Martinez. ask her anytime for math help she be glad to help you!

  70. I am really surprised with my progress report! Not only did I get a 100 in math, but I got a 101! Usually I get B's or low A's. But never 100's or 101's! I also got a 100 in English, and that is also not one of my best subjects. My subjects that I think that I need to do better and study more on are World History and Science. I got a B in both of those. Over all on my progress report I got 5 A's and 2 B's. :)

  71. Well, I am made very good grades in all of my classes. Except this class. I didn't have such a good grade in here. But I am also wondering why I only had two grades show up on my report cards when I should have more then that. I think that I could make all 100's instead of high A's, but I think I do good anyways:] haha...

  72. my progress report was totally awesome. I done pretty good. This class is cool ! Mrs. Naugher is crazy though she scares me.

  73. Hey Miss Naugher! I'm really happy with my progress report because I got ALL A's! The lowest grade I got on my progress report was a 95...I think. It might have been a 92 but I certainly know that it is no lower than that. Also, I was really surprised that I got all A's. I thought I'd at least get 1 B. Not that I would want a B, it's just that some of my N.B.A's and stuff like that it didn't like I did too well on that. Well I'm going to go now...Bye!! ")

  74. Well, I'm really surprised this year. I made all A's on my progress report. They we're all really high except for in science; it was almost a B. Anyways, I like my grades so far. I wanna try & keep them like they are:)!

  75. i actually feel quite good with MOST of my grades. math,social studies and science im not doing that well in suprisingly because last year thats like the only three i was good in. english ive got a perfect100 in(: im so so so proud of tech and career choices im dong great in as well. my goals for this year are to pull up my bad grades and keep up my good grades!

  76. My grades were the bomb! I have got all A's! My best grade was a 105 in Mrs. Naugher's class. The only disappointing grade I had was in math. Math is my favorite subject. I figured I would be focused on football more than my grades. If I keep this up, me and my family will both happy. My one goal for this year id to make all A's on every report card!

  77. i never believed that i was going to get i bad grade. I actually thought that i was going to do good in everything but science. i thought i was going to have an A on career choice. I actually got a bad grade on career choice and good grade on science. The only way i got bad grade on career choice is that i didn't turn some work in so i have to do that to get it up.

  78. oh m gees!!! i love my grades so far. i have an A in math. I'm so proud of me :). usually i get a B in math later in the year but, i'm going to try my hardest to keep it an A all year. i think science is going to be a little challenging but, hey I'm up for it. So look out grades and watch out world wendy has arrived and she's smarter than ever. Oh and by the way if anybody is having any problems in math or any other subject txt me and tell me because i'm going to be a tutor after school. :)

    Wendy Martinez

  79. I was absolutely delighted with my grades!!!!!!!!!!!!! I made a 100 in advanced pre algebra. OMG!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! I WAS SOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!! i like never ever everrrr got an "A" last year in pre-algebra, much less a 100!!! i was just blown away!!
    in other news i got all 100s other than mrs. couch's class. i got a 93, but hey thats still ok!!:D I absolutely love ms. naughers class! it is so fun. I love to write and so i know i will have a great time in her class:)

    welllllll, ta-ta for now! tTyL!!

  80. Chelsey*Payton*Knott:)September 17, 2009 at 11:47 AM

    Im very happy with my grades so far! I made awesome grades and I plan on keeping them that way :) I love my teachersss! In cheerleading or any other sports you have to keep them up! My goal is to make good grades, get a round off backhandspring tuck, and not to start any drama or fights between me and my friends!!! :]chelsey<3

  81. Aaron Colvin Is AwsomeSeptember 17, 2009 at 11:47 AM

    I'm Extremely proud of my grades this year and i am also surprised at how much i am accomplishing this year in school.I really wish i would have played football cause i am really upset about that. I am really excited for this year to kick in because i know it will be a good one.

  82. I was really happy with my grade. It was a 100 so I have nothing to say. The class has really been easy. All my classes have good grades in them. So I guess it has been a blast so far this school year.

  83. *-Christina Phillips(:September 17, 2009 at 11:49 AM

    I am very happy of my progress report. I didn't think that I would do good in Science or Social Studies but I actually did really good. My goal is to bring up my social studies grade up tho, I would like an A. Last year in math wasn't to good at math but, this year I'm actually really good at it. I have an A in math! I was surprised! Another goal of mine, is to become a first chair in band. During my 7th grade year I wasn't the type that wanted to read alot, I would read what I needed to so I could get my points and then I wouldn't worry about reading ti'll the next 9 weeks when I had to get points again. This year I have really become a type of person that likes to read. Im going to keep my grades up and try to accomplish all my goals I have set for my 8th grade year. :)

  84. Well....I am sooo happy about my grades! About two days before progress reports went hoe i looked on at my grades and i had a low B and another not soo good grade but i brought both of them up in two days to really good grades. I am very proud of myself that i brought them up in time before progress reports went home. soo yupp!!

  85. My grades the beginning of this year have been great!!!I am very surprised in myself.. All A's isn't usually an all time thing with me..I am hoping to keep it like this..I think i could study a little more at home when i don't have nothing to do like basketball or something.. In the beginning of last year i didn't study a lot and i already had a be in the first couple of weeks of school.. This year i have put a lot more effort to studying and it has worked out great!!(: My goals this year are to do good in all of my classes and keep it that way.. Its really hard for me to do good in history and english because in history i cant remember everything that we need to have memorized and in english i can never remember the characters.Remembering characters has always been very hard for me i have tried to work on reading and remembering the characters but it never seems to work...I love to write...Writing to me is VERY fun..I dont like it though when we have to write a lot at a time!!!This year my goals are to keep good grades and do good in basketball!!!!!(: This year has been a fantastic year and it not even close to the middle of the school year yet!!I hope this year gets better and better!!!!(:

  86. I am not so surprised about my grades this 1st nine weeks.I almost always make A's,so its important for me to keep my record. I feel that i really should have done better in Social Studies,its my lowest grade. I am very happy with my math grade though! I've not always been the best math student and its usually my lowest grade,but i think that might change this year. I did great in english this 9 weeks! I've never been so much of a reader,but i'm liking this class so far.Its one of my best grades! I am going to try to keep this up for as long as I can. My best grade out of all of my classes is in Vocal Point. You are probly thinking that all you have to do is sing,but its way more than that.I have a 100 in their. Im not gonna mention any names,but one of my friends had a 78 in their.So im really proud of myself so far,and im gonna keep it up.

  87. i am very happy with my grade in your class i think i have an a o ra high b i am doing good in all my classes except fro business tech i have a very bad grade and i was not even there i was out 4 a week and i had no clue hat we had a test i ask her b4 i left if needed to make up anything and she said NO!!! well now i have a 37 cuz i did not get reminded!! but i am very happy with my grade in your class and i am glad that i have u 4 my english teacher (:

  88. So far I am making good grades in school. I made all A's on my progress report!!!!!! I have never made a B before, so I am doing quite dandy!:) My lowest grade was a 94, and that was in algebra, and that class is super hard!! A rocket scientist might have trouble in that class! I am very excited about my grades! Although, in Business Tech. I have a 99, but I should have a 100! We did this vocabulary sheet and she said to mark out the last one which is number 11 and I did. So on my report it said I made a 10/11 so I have a 99! It should be a 100! My momma is going to spank me! HAHAHA just joking! My highest grade was a 100 of course, since I am a super genius! Well as i said earlier I am very pleased with my grades, and I hope to keep them up all year!!! :):):):):):)

  89. On my progress report i got all good grades.I was very happy with all my grades.I hope i can keep all this up because if i do i will get my car very early.I am trying to make my goal for this year and so far i have done that. The way i am going to keep my grades up are study every way i can without failing.I'm trying to think of a good way to study more.I am trying to learn more about playing the flute.So this year my goals are playing the flute better than i am,focusing more on school work than hanging out with friends,and making all a's for al year.

  90. Brock Colvin(The Beast!)September 17, 2009 at 11:54 AM

    I am very exited about my grades!!! I hope to keep them up all year!!! MY parents were very proud! :)

  91. My progress report really surprised me because i had some great grades. i have been working really hard to impress my mom this year.last year i didn't do bad but i didn't do so great either.My lowest great was a 87.63. Everyone that has been in school knows that it is hard to maintain a good school average. so thats why Im working extra hard this year.

  92. So far i think i have pretty good grades. My hardest class is algebra 1. That was my lowest grade on my progress report it was an 88. But i had a bunch of other good grades. I think i had a 100 in english, a 100 in P.E., a 100 in business tech , a 95 in science, a 99 in social studies and a 97 in vocal point.And this will be very hard to keep my grades on an A average but im going to:):):):):):):)

  93. Well i made real good grades except 2 f's one of them is in your class and the other is bad too. I am going to bring my grades up to at least a's and b's and maybe a c. i have to do better than last year.

  94. I do good in school. I've have all A's on my progress report.I feel that I'm good at math this year when every body is struggling. Science I've done really dandy on. I have Mrs. Couch for social studies. I think she's a great teacher.

  95. I like all my grades so fare and I have all As my highest grade is in Coach Orr's class 104 and I'm excited my parens were proud of me.

  96. Clay Lowery a.k.a Big_Baller_31September 17, 2009 at 12:38 PM

    I think it's safe to say i'm the smartest kid in this school. i mean i got like 105 in all of my classes. I'm just a genius.

  97. My grades were, for once, actually good. My lowest was a 91 in algebra. Usually its in english that I'm bad in. But i actually did good. Usually I only have like one A. So i guess I'll try and keep my grades up this year.

  98. well i dont really make bad grades i have all A's but mathi dont do so well in math but other than that i make good grades :)

  99. i made great on my progress report. all a's one b. I'm magnificently smart

  100. I like all of my grades. I want to have all A's this year. This year is good considering how my grades are.

  101. Grant SiscoBig Baller 59September 17, 2009 at 12:43 PM

    Hey i made some good grades but didnt make all that good the lowest i had was a 88 the highest i had was 98 so that is pretty good i guess i dont no or really care for that matter well i do but i don't know

  102. I made all A's and one B. peace!

  103. the Golden boy a.k.a JACOB GOLDENSeptember 17, 2009 at 12:44 PM

    I made mostly all good grades besides in this class I had a and b's. but in here i had a 52 thats horrible but my progress report said we only had 2 grades for this class so with more grades ill probably bring it back up so we need more grades in this class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  104. my progress repot was awesome, just as i expected. i hope everyone else did awesome too. can't w8 4 my report card!

  105. justin Looney AKA BALLERBABYSeptember 17, 2009 at 12:47 PM

    I did okay on my progress report i made all a's and b's and one c i hope to bring it up and make all the other ones a's

  106. DestineyHopeRoysterLovesYeww!!!!September 17, 2009 at 12:48 PM

    OML!!! I was so proud of myself because i thought i would have at least one really high b but i was nothing close to it!!! All a's baby!!! But i'm really happy!!!

  107. I am good at math. I have all A's.

  108. My progress reports was good. I expected worse in math though. My other grade were great though

  109. I am good at math ,too. I also have all A's.

  110. this first progress report was ok i mom was chewing me out because i made a 98 in coach sauls class. other than that it was ok

  111. Courtney Nicole HettingerSeptember 17, 2009 at 12:54 PM

    i wonderful grades all A's. i had 4 100, a 98, and a 94. i love Miss Naugher's class because i love reading and i got a 100 in her class

  112. I had pretty good grades on my progress report. All A's any way. I think I will be able to bring all of them up to A pluses. That is my goal any way. I got a little behind in one of my computer classes. I believe it's only because I was abcent a few days.

  113. Carter's mom here. For the record I was only teasing about science grade.

    Great blog!
