Monday, April 1, 2013

I CaN mAkE a ChAnGe!

This week in English class, we will conclude our unit on common mistakes in writing and begin a new unit titled “I Am Somebody.”  This unit will focus on using persuasive writing to make a difference (based on the quote by Lily Tomlin),
“I always wondered why somebody didn't do something about that...and then I realized- I am somebody."
Students will work with a partner to research and write a persuasive essay encouraging others to take action against a problem they see in our school, our community, our country, or the world.  Partners will then create a multi-media presentation and present their essays as a speech to the class.  This unit will combine many of the skills we have learned throughout the year, and students will be assessed on their written essay, their multimedia presentation, and their public speaking.  The unit will conclude around the end of April.


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