A place for English and Reading students to write, post, and comment on ideas, art, and literature previously discussed in class.
"The one and only substitute for experiences we have not yet had is art and literature."
~Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Music and Voice
What about the sounds of our classroom? Do the low voices and quiet atmosphere effect you, your learning, or the level at which you speak in this class?
i think i like the talking scale and music is calming and i like it its nice its cool i like how the music changes when we are doing something. the tone of voice in this room is nice no one is yelling talking loud i just like it.
The sounds aren't very nice......i mean to say that the fact there is muic is just plain annoying it sounds like hippy music...no offense to miss nauger. but i mean i cant concentrate on my work when i hear it. i listen to contemporay music at home quite often and this music isnt anywere nere that i work better wen i have louds noices around me i gt done faster and i dont miss anything and i think that this justt in working for me As far as the voices go i dont really car because i just do my work i dont care bout anything around me.
The music & sound is good. I like listening to the music it gives me better focus on the just no sound at all. Also miss. Naugher's voice don't bother me when we are writing & she talks. Because she don't yell. I think we should always have some type of music playing.
The music in the back ground relaxes me and helps me concentrate better on what we are working on. It also makes me feel like i can do better in a calm room than in a room where everyone is talking and yelling. I also like it when everyone just talks calm because we are all in a comfortable environment and none of us really yell. That is what i like about the sounds and music about this class.
The music in this classroom is calming and relaxing and the voices are always peaceful miss Naugher is always a very clear and peaceful speaker i like the music because it goes as a rhythm to help me write.
"Music and Sound" The sound in the class is very good. I can concentrate a little better whenever there's no distractions or any one yelling in my ear. As far the music it sets a peaceful and relaxing tone while your doing your work. The music makes it fell like its not all work. The sounds and music from this classroom are very good. I also like the talking scale it helps use not to get to loud so we can get our work done.
The music in this classroom is nice. I can concentrate with or without music so it doesn't really matter to me if we have music or not. I like the talking scale. It's cool that we can talk when were on a level 1, 2, or 3. But then when Ms. Naugher tells us that we are on a level 0; then we have to be quiet. I like that Ms. Naugher doesn't doesn't yell at us too; even if we do something bad.
I like the music in this class it make it peaceful and everything else! I like the talking scale i think it is a great thing to have because when the teacher wants us to talk they could just hold up a number and that be what level your on. Ms.Naugher doesn't yell at anyone or to tell us to do something. She just says it loudly and clearly. I like the music and voice![:
The sounds in this classroom some very calming I would say and others just bug me. Like i do not really like the music at all it annoys me. I do like the fact that Mrs. Naugher isn't the type of teacher to yell, that jut makes things so much easier. I don't like that everyone has to be so quiet all the time, no we shouldn't be yelling half way across the room but i think we should be able to talk a little bit at least.
The music is alright except for when it is to loud, but it is not loud so i concentrate on what i am supposed to do. ms. naughers the she talks to use as a class is nice because she don't yell.
One of the reasons I love coming to this classroom is because of the sounds. It's always so peaceful because the only noises I usually hear is the music. I love the music because it helps me relax more, and it makes me feel like all eyes aren't on me when I'm completing my work. I also love that Miss Naugher never has to yell at our class because we have certain levels that we are supposed to talk on. The music in here makes me feel comfortable and like I'm at home. I love the music and sounds in here. (;
The sound in this class room is is very quiet we listen to music and we use the talking scale that helps allot cause in some of my other classes it can get pretty out of hand i am usually the only one that doesn't talk i am the quiet and shy one the music makes the room so peace full it is what i listen to almost all the time but mine is mostly elvis music and that is the best to me
I truely enjoy the music in this class. The volume is so calm I just feel really comfortable in this class. Compare to my others classes I feel really uncomfortable. I wish all my class were like this one ,but every teacher have different ways they like there room. Speaking of music and voice the voice is wonderful. In my opinions ,but there might be classmate that don't. To be honest i couldn't change any class for this Fantastic English class.
I really like how its quiet in this classroom and not loud like the other classrooms. I really like the music because i am always listening to music. It may not be the kind i listen to but I still like because its better than nothing. I also think the music keeps everyone else quiet so that makes it easier to concentrate. I also like the talking scale because that keeps everybody on the same talk level instead of one group being loud and then another group trying to talk over them and then another and so on. Its very relaxing when everything is quiet.
I like that you play music when were doing just about anything. I like that you keep it on just about all of the time. I also like the music in the background. I like the way you talk to us you don't talk to us like all of the older teachers do, or scream in our faces when you get mad at us, like coaches do. i like the way you talk to us and I like the music.
I like the music in the classroom. The music in the classroom is soft and smooth. I like the music because its not to loud. The music helps when its in the background not so loud. The music doesn't mess you up. Miss. Naugher's does not yell at us.
I really like the volume in this class. It is not to loud and not total silence either. It is totally cool that we get to listen to music in this class. I never thought that we would get to listen to music in class. I like the talking levels to that is pretty cool.
the music in this class is calming so I'm kinda calm. The music kinda helps me contrate and write. The talking scale is pretty cool. We get to talk most the time which is different cause we can't talk in other classes. I love how Miss Naugher never yells at us.
I like the sounds in this class room, most of the time but some times the music is a little loud. But its okay if it is just in the back ground kind of low. I also like the talking scale because when i am reading in this class i can concentrate more on my book. And i like that it is just normally quiet. That is what sound i like in this class.
well i really need music to live i cant stand when i go in my room and my radio is off. i feel really nervous without the music i get this crazy feeling that someone is like listening to me! but i can like listen to the words and study, read, whatever. and how miss naugher has the talking scale we can be loud when it has to be loud.
This low sound of music really helps me in a good effective way. The music in here is very classical in my own written words. The quiet atmosphere in here helps me concentrate while I'm doing my work. The level of my speaking in this class is very silent when I'm doing something or doing nothing in here. I really like this class because of how it is and what it is when I'm here.
# the music and the voice somehow makes me very sleepy and tired but that how i like my room to be the music is nice to have cause i listen music in my house but other song still ti is quiet awesome the sound i hear is not loud but is very quiet. It just great to have this class and that about it. :\
I think the music is very nice. It helps me concentrate cause at home i have music on all the time. Nobody yells and screams in hear so its calm and peaceful. If everybody screamed it would be chaos. Miss Naugher's voice is nice because she don't yell ay anyone. I would like the music better if it was the kind of music i listen to but it still good
The sounds are good it is very clam i like that you will not yell at us that you have a very calm voice and the music in the back ground is good for me to stay focus because i like to study with music on i do a lot better and have better grades in school and the talking scale is a good way to keep the class the way that you need them to be so you do not have to yell:)<3
i like every thing about this class room. its not too loud or too quiet. its like perfect. its a good thing that we have a talking level thingy so that way we're not too loud. the music in here really isn't the kind i listen to at home but it still helps me think and stuff. its just a very good relaxing place oh and it really helps you think:) well thats my opinion:)
I like the music and the talking scale cause like it keeps everyone calm. However I don't like the music when I am reading its harder to concentrate. Other than that I don't mind the music
I think the music in this class is pretty good, although I don't normally like instrumental. The voice in here is pretty soft or quiet. Ms. Naugher keeps hers at a level tone, however we always scream out. I don't think Ms. Naugher like it though.
I like the background music. It is relaxing. The music gets me into a mood where I can think. Plus for me, it is a lot easier for me to think with music, than without the music. I also like the talking scale. It lets us do our work, while we talk.
i like the music, it would be better to play different songs more often. i hear the same thing a lot. i like your vioce. i can heard you anywhere in the room, unless everybody is talking. the talking scale is good too. it allows you to talk more and i like to talk to my friends.
The music helps me stay subject because the music makes you think about the subject. The music is great. I like the talking scale. It lets us know when we can talk. Also it lets us know how loud we can talk.
I dont realy think the music helps me concentrate but I guess its OK. I would realy like alot better if it was the kind of music I listen to at home. I like the talking scale because its never to loud. I also like how miss Naugher dosent yell at anyone
The music in class makes me relaxed and helps me think better it sets the mod of what I'm writing and help me do my work. One of my favorite things is the talking scale it enables us to talk to your friends without getting yelled at. The way all the sounds are in this room is ideal for a working space. I can think, talk, and enjoy it all at the same time. Silence really annoys me, this is probably my favorite class, because of the the music, and the way that everything is. I'm able to do my work better because when I try to work in silence I really can't think. I hear little tiny noises and they distract me. But the music going on in the room is soothing and very enjoyable.
I love the music you play in here. It might help some people be more creative..i know it helps me. I also like the talking scale because we know whether we can talk or not, and if so how loud! I like the way your voice is always very calm and peaceful!! you never raise your voice you always get on to people in a very calm serene voice.
I love the music and talking scale! The music makes me feel comfortable and makes me think "okay, time to work." And the talking scale is great! Miss Naugher doesn't have to raise her voice. When the other teachers have to shout over everyone to be quiet it can get really annoying. Only because some people are saying "shhhh" and some people keep talking. And on top of all that, the teacher is shouting and getting irritated! I really like the music when I read. Because when I listen to music I always picture things in my head like what the lyrics say. It's like my own little world! So when the music turns on and I'm reading I have the perfect scene in my head with my book!
I love the calming music played in the classroom. I have always used music to study, do homework , and other chores. When I here the music I know it is time to get started and do my work. I remember coming in the first day of school and learning about the talking scale. I thought it was the best idea! It lets students know when it is ok to talk and when it is not. I also really like the way Ms. Naugher talks to her students. She talks to us in a calm voice, unlike other teachers that yell and scream at their students. It makes me feel welcome.
I think the music is really helpful. Like at home, i usually do my homework and study to music off my ipod. So now that I'm used to music, I work better with it. And I like that different topics have different types f music to go along with it. Like wen we did the Halloween topics, we had scary music to go along with it. Which was really cool.
The music is wonderful. It helps me concentrate when we are writing. I think the music helps me a lot. The talking scale is really smart. In other classes it is just talk or don't talk. In here i love it how we have level so we can talk more but at different volumes. I think it is great how you talk so peacefully. You always talk the right volume too. In other classes sometimes the teacher talks to loud or talks to soft. Everything is great about music and voice in here.
The sounds in this classroom are very relaxing. I like not having words because whenever i hear a familiar song, my first intention is to start singing along with it. Also, if I'm thinking about the words to the song, I start to write them on my paper. The music that you have makes me very relaxed and i believe that it makes me write better. I love the talking scale. I hate how all of my other classes only have two options: talk or don't talk. I believe that there are times when talking is acceptable. You voice is very calming. I have a lot of coaches for teachers and their voices are very loud and frightening at times, and it makes me feel like i should be running down a football field as opposed to doing my work. Your voice is always very gentle and quiet and i believe that that helps me to do my work better and faster. Overall, every sound in this room is great and helps me to be more productive in class. I am definently a fan of the music(:
The music is very different than the music i listen to at home. Yet it is still peaceful it make me kinda mellow out like when im in a deep sleep and every thing is right in the world. Its like the music is comforting to listen to but it doesn't help me concentrate more.
Ms. Naugher has good voice in her room, but the music is a different story. Everyone hears something a little different in a certain piece of music. If it is sad to me, yet happy to Billy Bob in front of me, I cant help but have a story leaning more toward a sad ending, and Billy Bob will have a slightly happier story, no matter what the topic. In other words, writing a scary story will be scarier with scary music, opposed to slow, peaceful music. Some of the music is likable, while other music is distracting. The music really confines me to a certain mood Yet,. I like the idea of music, because it gives the room a good feel. I dont really know what to think.
okay well the music is quite annoying ha-ha just because i dont listen to this kind of music... but i mean if we get some classic rock up in here ok with that... and maybe some music like im not sure but still....... im ok i mean at least we have music... i work better and do better when im listening to my myspace playlist because i know all the words to every song so like i pretty much rap while i cleaning or doing homework or just hanging out and so i wish we could have at least some music that we all know i mean it aint gotta be rap or nothing but like come classic rock like Bennie and the jets ha ha or like umm... bohemian rhapsody ha ha but the sounds are pretty cool i guess its quit and i like the way we can talk while we are doing ourwork and not get in trouble
I like the music. Sometimes, when we are doing the breathing technique, and you tell us what we are going to be writing about for the day, the music in the background builds up what you are saying. That makes my thinking go to extremes. The voice in here is great too.
wendy martinez :) I'm just winging it here since i forgot my papers. I'm going to write/type about the environment and mood i feel in this classroom. the first time i stepped into this classroom it took me by surprise. i took a step back as if someone had pushed me back. when we sat down i felt uneasy and awkward. i had never had a classroom so different as this one. when Ms. Naugher had given us the "breathing technique". i thought," what's going on?". then after a while i got used to it the scents the exquisite yet abnormal lighting. the mood i feel to me i feel at ease and calm. most of the times when I'm in here i think about the ocean and just walking along side it. feeling the waves crash and splash little sprinkles of water on my face. i hear the seagulls squawking from above. the mood is one i only feel in here i have never felt it anywhere else, not at home or any other classroom, never. it feels as if this class is worry free like worries never can get in here. even on my most stresses' days i feel calm and collected. i love everything about his classroom if i could i would make time completely stay he same so i could have more time in the class. Mrs.Naugher my compliments go out to you. best teacher and classroom ever!
personally, i love that we have music in the background because music is basically my life(: the music is not loud at all & its soothing & relaxing. the talking scale it doesnt really matter to me because, well it just doesnt(: i like the fact that we dont have to be completely quiet all of the time though!*
The music in here really does have my mind set to work. When I'm cleaning my room or doing homework, I usually have music going. So, when the time comes to write, the music sets my mind where it needs to be. I do like the talking scale because it's easier to get us quiet and it doesn't waste a lot of time trying to get us quiet for the next assignment. I'm also glad that you don't raise your voice because it usually causes us to be loud back and it just turns into chaos in an instant.
"Music and Voice " I really like the music. Of course its not the kind of music I listen to at home. Its like a stress reliever. The music soothes me and makes me feel peaceful. I think that the talking scale is a brilliant idea! Miss Naugher can come in the room and make a zero with her hand and everyone will stop talking!
The music gets on my nerves cuz we listen to the same stuff over and over again it gets old but other than that it helps me think better i play misic when i clean my room the voice scale is okay
The music in here is pretty weird. I do like the idea of music in the class but not this kind. The voice in the class perfect. Mrs. Naugher never yells or raises her voice at us. The talking scale also helps because it never gets to loud.
I love the music in this classroom. It is so calming. It reminds me of home when Im reading and my music is playing. I also like the voice level in this room. Its hardly ever loud and I enjoy that. I love the music and voice level in this classroom(:
When I hear the music in this classroom I can't help but think oh how lame. I dislike it very much. It would be a WHOLE lot better if she would play some better songs. No offense to Ms. Naugher. When it plays though I calm so it's good but bad! The way Ms. Naugher handles us is very good for her. She has a talking scale that some of us follow. SOME...but I love Ms. Naughers class it's cool :)
I love the music in this classroom. It is so calming. It reminds me of home when Im reading and my music is playing. I also like the voice level in this room. Its hardly ever loud and I enjoy that. I love the music and voice level in this classroom.
I love the music being in the classroom.It gets me into the working mood cause overtime i am doing chores at home i listen to music. Even though its not overall my favorite music it gives you a sense of peace while your doing your work.I also like how know one is screaming in here while your doing your work you can concentrate.Thats why I think the music and voices work good in this class.
I like the music in the class because i us music when i study and clean my room.I dont like the music sometimes though.The voice level thing is ok.I see were you are coming from.When your trying to talk and were talk and we cant hear you that means your going to have to scream at us.You never yell like any of the other teachers.That what i like a non-yelling teacher.
i think miss.naughers music is very peaceful and calming. Even though I don't listen to this kind of music at home or anywhere else i enjoy listening to it here. i truly do enjoy coming to this class and look forward to each and everyday.(: It's really nice to know that a teacher cares enough to make sure we are okay with the music,the environment,the lighting,the voice,the sounds! because most teachers don't!
The music in Miss Naugher's room is another thing that helps me relax. Its nothing like the music I listen to but when I am writing I feel like the music helps me some how. The talking scale I believe is an easy way to control her classroom. This way we know how loud we can get before we get in trouble. Also to shut us up she doesn't have to yell, all she has to do is hold up her hand in the shape of a zero and then we be quiet. When people yell all it does it create more chaos and makes people talk louder than they already were.
Music, the music in Miss Naugher's class isn't the music i listen to i listen to screamo and rap; but thats not as calm and soothing as Miss Naugher's music. Her music is more of the boring but soft and soothing without words and everything. Miss Naugher music makes me happy and cheerful. Voice, the voice part in here I love cause, I hate when you are doing your work and somebody is in your ear talk non-stop. Well thats all I have to say..:)
I think that the background music is okay. some of the music she puts is cool but others are wacker than wack but I'm okay with it. I also get annoyed of the music because wen it finishes it starts all over again and we listen to it like 30 times before the bell ring. Oh, and I like the tone of voice on the room because none is screaming or doing anything loud.
I like the music and voice!!!(:I like the music on because it makes class more fun! Instead of just sitting here doing our work we get to enjoy music to... The talking scale i really like because there's usually not one day where we cant talk or whisper.. When Miss Naugher lets us talk while we are working it shows that we are mature enough to talk a little and get our work done!!Other classes we just get to sit there working with no music and not being able to whisper it gets way boring very fast!!
"Music and Voice" With the music in the background it just makes the finishing touch on Miss. Naugher`s classroom. It is just SO inspiring! It helps you concentrate on what you are about to write. You are so relaxed in here that your thoughts just flow out onto you paper.
Every time I go to my room to write,read,clean, or even sleep, I turn on my favorite music. It varies from country to pop, gospel and rock. I love all kinds of music, Since i am involved with music
I love the music in the class. I listen to hip-hop and rap most of the time but, I like this kind of music for working. Another reason I like the music in here is because I listen to this music, except with words, when I'm cleaning my room or my chores, sometimes. Also, your voice in this classroom is quiet but, loud enough for everybody to hear you. Plus, I don't like it when teachers yell at me and, sometimes, I don't even know what they're yelling at me for. Another thing, the talking scale. I'm glad you have the talking scale because usually you don't speak unless you're spoken to. That makes me feel like I'm in the army. I love the music and voice here.
i like the music in here. it helps me concentrate more because mostly everywhere i go I'm always listening to music. even when i'm reading, or even doing homework, or even doing my chores, i always listen to music of course this isn't the music i listen to but it's okay. the music in here is relaxing. the talking scale is great in here. I think it works because we can talk and do our work at the same time i love the talking scale!
I really like the lighting in the room. It makes me feel better. I'm always tired in other classes. It makes me work better I think. Last ear I hated english. This year it's fun. I think lighting plays a roe n that. It also I think helps me write and think of what I'm going to right about.
I think the mood is creative. That is because all the colors and pictures. This room is not boring at all. The colors just pop out. This is very peaceful also, because its dim in the room. It is also because of the background.
i think the music blends very well into the mood of the room. it seems so peaceful and serene. everything is quiet and bliss. it reminds you of one of those moments in a movie when a group of characters is around a campfire listening to a mysterious guest play a harp or another soft instrument for them in exchange for the company. you always feel warm and comfy. it kind of sends you into a lull. if you really think about it, it makes you think of rustic times, when people would be together a lot, making music with old instruments. it also makes you a bit drowsy as well. its a wonderful feeling of calmness. you just want to lay back and relax, enjoy the atmosphere. it also reminds you of when someone is thinking of a flashback of something that happened long ago to them, something unknown and mysterious, but something simple and everyday. the talking scale only makes the peacefulness enhance. the quiet makes you feel like your in a wood, alone, but surrounded by beautiful nature. it makes you wonder how anything could be more harmonized.
I think the mood in here is very welcoming. It is not like it is all one type. The different mood I feel in here help me write and read a lot better. the mood has the mood of some cool hangout. The quiet mood helps thinking a lot too.
The music is ok but it would help to get a different kind of music.The way you talk to us is great i hate to be yelled at. But other than that it's ok.
I don't much care for the music, it gets o my nerves most of the time. Sometimes when I'm thinking it distracts me and makes me confused. I think the talking scale is decent. I also like that Miss Naugher doesn't raise her voice when she gets angry at a student.
I love the music and "voice" of this classroom. I love the music. It's calming and relaxing. I enjoy this class. I love the fact that we can speak our opinion and our opinion and not get trashed on because we spoke. I love the fact that not only does Miss Naugher ask us to speak whats on our mind but she encourages us!! I love it!
I like the talking scale. Most classes are either loud or quiet. In here its usually just whispering. The music, though, i hate. Its annoying and distracting. It isn't calming or anything, just distracting. I don't like it because its basically a repeat of the same song over and over.
I believe the talking scale is good in your classroom, I like the quiet. I really could do without the music in the background. In my opinion, it is just plain out annoying. When I am trying to think up a story, the last thing I need is music to help me, it makes me forget what I was thinking. Thank you and good day.
The music is really not that of music. Itjust gets on my nerves because I hear the same thing over and over again. It would be better if you would switch the CD. I really like the talking scale. it gives us more time to talk.
The music in the classroom is very boring. I work better when the classroom is silent. It helps me concentrate on what i am writing about. I tend to get distracted when the music is playing. But i like how Miss Naugher never raises her voice at us. The talking scale also helps to keep our voices at a controllable level.
I like how Miss Naugher doesn't yell at anyone. I don't like it when people yell. The music is one of my favorites about this classroom. It really helps me think. Its also very relaxing.
I really like the music cause it helps me. One day i was reading a book and it was getting boring so I said i was going to do what Mrs. Naugher does. I did it and it helped me read a book faster than ever. So i started to do it every time i read so i like it what about you?
I like the music. The music is very soothing n my opinion sometimes it's the some stuff though and it gets on my nerves. I don't like the talking scale. I'd rather have no talking than be changing all the time. It's just not very fun on the talking scale. It seems we're more on 0 tan anything else. I'm also glad you don't scream over us. That just because you're usually screaming over a few people can not at everyone.
I absolutely love the music that plays very low as we work! I think it takes me to my place of relaxation. It also helps me write a lot better. I really like the music because, if there was no music playing at all it would be really quiet and the slightest sound would distract everyone. I also really like the talking scale. It works very well to me because no one is ever over level three.
The music in the room gets kind of annoying sometimes. Like when we're doing the breathing technique. Everything gets quiet and all we here is the music so it's kind of distracting. Sometimes it does help though.
Miss Naugher's voice is pretty easy to listen. It is not like voices on educational videos that it is impossible to listen to. Miss Naugher is different. She uses her hands along with her voice to communicate.
I find the music very soothing. It makes me think of laying on the beach in the warmth of the sun. It also makes me think of kindergarden, during nap time, and the teacher would play soothing music, It's a tool that strikes creativity in the mood and that is food for englsih. Now the talking scale is pretty good. It brings order to the classroom. It's different which makes it unique.
i like the music because it doesn't distracted me and make me write about what the lyrics are talking about. i also like it because it helps me relax from what has happen today. i also like the talking scale because most of the time it keeps people from talking very loud. i also like how it's up on the walls because i can look at it when i forget what a level 2 is. i think the music and the talking scale keeps some people relaxed
I absolutely love the music in Ms.Naugher's classroom! It blocks out all of the noise and disruptions that keep me from writing my best. It really helps me focus on what I'm doing. It honestly inspires me. Like when we have a writing prompt on a creepy story, the music is creepy. Or when we're writing about our favorite memory the music is happy and upbeat. The music really sets the tone for us. And another thing that really benefits us is Ms.Naugher's tone of voice. I personally think she does an excellent job with keeping her voice calm but serious. You can usually tell when she is upset or angry (which isn't often), but she never raises her voice. The way teacher's talk and react to us really effects us. Ms.Naugher always keeps her voice at a nice level, therefore we're going to follow how she talks to us.
the music in this class is ok. I think she plays this music so nobody complains. It helps me think alot though. The bets thing about the music is that it drowns out any other common classroom noises.
I like the sound in the class room cause it is so quite. But in the background it is music and it is so peaceful. The way the teacher talks is cool cause she never yells at us. she always has a calm voice and that is cool. It is really never loud in the class room cause we have a talking scale of 0, 1,2,or 3 so it never gets to loud.
i love the music in your room it is peaceful,calming,&realaxing to me i can consentrate better with it on it also makes me be more attentaive,,and the voice part of it i like it miss naugher has a soft soothing voice
I like the music and the talking scale. I think it helps everybody calm down and relax. Ilearn more things in this classroom than in any other classroom.
the music in the room is very realxing. it never gets to loud. it helps me concerate. i like the talking scale because we do get to talk. and i like how miss.naugher dosent raise her voice! so i like the music and talking scale!
I like the music in the classroom, even though its not really the kind of music i ususally listen to, i like when im working because it focuses me on what were doing and it makes the room a little less boring. I think the talking scale is very good, too. It gives us time to talk and a level so we wont be too loud, intead of just being super quiet like in some classes. I also like how you dont scream when were loud like some other teachers. When your quiet it makes us more quiet, too.
i think i like the talking scale and music is calming and i like it its nice its cool i like how the music changes when we are doing something. the tone of voice in this room is nice no one is yelling talking loud i just like it.
ReplyDeleteThe sounds aren't very nice......i mean to say that the fact there is muic is just plain annoying it sounds like hippy music...no offense to miss nauger. but i mean i cant concentrate on my work when i hear it. i listen to contemporay music at home quite often and this music isnt anywere nere that
ReplyDeletei work better wen i have louds noices around me i gt done faster and i dont miss anything and i think that this justt in working for me As far as the voices go i dont really car because i just do my work i dont care bout anything around me.
The music & sound is good. I like listening to the music it gives me better focus on the just no sound at all. Also miss. Naugher's voice don't bother me when we are writing & she talks. Because she don't yell. I think we should always have some type of music playing.
ReplyDeleteThe music in the back ground relaxes me and helps me concentrate better on what we are working on. It also makes me feel like i can do better in a calm room than in a room where everyone is talking and yelling. I also like it when everyone just talks calm because we are all in a comfortable environment and none of us really yell. That is what i like about the sounds and music about this class.
ReplyDeleteThe music in this classroom is calming and relaxing and the voices are always peaceful miss Naugher is always a very clear and peaceful speaker
ReplyDeletei like the music because it goes as a rhythm to help me write.
"Music and Sound"
ReplyDeleteThe sound in the class is very good. I can concentrate a little better whenever there's no distractions or any one yelling in my ear. As far the music it sets a peaceful and relaxing tone while your doing your work. The music makes it fell like its not all work. The sounds and music from this classroom are very good. I also like the talking scale it helps use not to get to loud so we can get our work done.
The music in this classroom is nice. I can concentrate with or without music so it doesn't really matter to me if we have music or not. I like the talking scale. It's cool that we can talk when were on a level 1, 2, or 3. But then when Ms. Naugher tells us that we are on a level 0; then we have to be quiet. I like that Ms. Naugher doesn't doesn't yell at us too; even if we do something bad.
ReplyDeleteI like the music in this class it make it peaceful and everything else! I like the talking scale i think it is a great thing to have because when the teacher wants us to talk they could just hold up a number and that be what level your on. Ms.Naugher doesn't yell at anyone or to tell us to do something. She just says it loudly and clearly. I like the music and voice![:
ReplyDeleteThe sounds in this classroom some very calming I would say and others just bug me. Like i do not really like the music at all it annoys me. I do like the fact that Mrs. Naugher isn't the type of teacher to yell, that jut makes things so much easier. I don't like that everyone has to be so quiet all the time, no we shouldn't be yelling half way across the room but i think we should be able to talk a little bit at least.
ReplyDeleteThe music is alright except for
ReplyDeletewhen it is to loud, but it is not
loud so i concentrate on what
i am supposed to do. ms. naughers
the she talks to use as a class is
nice because she don't yell.
One of the reasons I love coming to this classroom is because of the sounds. It's always so peaceful because the only noises I usually hear is the music. I love the music because it helps me relax more, and it makes me feel like all eyes aren't on me when I'm completing my work. I also love that Miss Naugher never has to yell at our class because we have certain levels that we are supposed to talk on. The music in here makes me feel comfortable and like I'm at home. I love the music and sounds in here. (;
ReplyDeleteThe sound in this class room is is very quiet we listen to music and we use the talking scale that helps allot cause in some of my other classes it can get pretty out of hand i am usually the only one that doesn't talk i am the quiet and shy one the music makes the room so peace full it is what i listen to almost all the time but mine is mostly elvis music and that is the best to me
ReplyDeleteI truely enjoy the music in this class. The volume is so calm I just feel really comfortable in this class. Compare to my others classes I feel really uncomfortable. I wish all my class were like this one ,but every teacher have different ways they like there room. Speaking of music and voice the voice is wonderful. In my opinions ,but there might be classmate that don't. To be honest i couldn't change any class for this Fantastic English class.
ReplyDeleteI really like how its quiet in this classroom and not loud like the other classrooms. I really like the music because i am always listening to music. It may not be the kind i listen to but I still like because its better than nothing. I also think the music keeps everyone else quiet so that makes it easier to concentrate. I also like the talking scale because that keeps everybody on the same talk level instead of one group being loud and then another group trying to talk over them and then another and so on. Its very relaxing when everything is quiet.
ReplyDeleteI like that you play music when were doing just about anything. I like that you keep it on just about all of the time. I also like the music in the background. I like the way you talk to us you don't talk to us like all of the older teachers do, or scream in our faces when you get mad at us, like coaches do. i like the way you talk to us and I like the music.
ReplyDeleteI like the music in the classroom. The music in the classroom is soft and smooth. I like the music because its not to loud. The music helps when its in the background not so loud. The music doesn't mess you up. Miss. Naugher's does not yell at us.
ReplyDeleteI really like the volume in this class. It is not to loud and not total silence either. It is totally cool that we get to listen to music in this class. I never thought that we would get to listen to music in class. I like the talking levels to that is pretty cool.
ReplyDeletethe music in this class is calming so I'm kinda calm. The music kinda helps me contrate and write. The talking scale is pretty cool. We get to talk most the time which is different cause we can't talk in other classes. I love how Miss Naugher never yells at us.
ReplyDeleteI like the sounds in this class room, most of the time but some times the music is a little loud. But its okay if it is just in the back ground kind of low. I also like the talking scale because when i am reading in this class i can concentrate more on my book. And i like that it is just normally quiet. That is what sound i like in this class.
ReplyDeletewell i really need music to live i cant stand when i go in my room and my radio is off. i feel really nervous without the music i get this crazy feeling that someone is like listening to me! but i can like listen to the words and study, read, whatever. and how miss naugher has the talking scale we can be loud when it has to be loud.
ReplyDeleteThis low sound of music really helps me in a good effective way. The music in here is very classical in my own written words. The quiet atmosphere in here helps me concentrate while I'm doing my work. The level of my speaking in this class is very silent when I'm doing something or doing nothing in here. I really like this class because of how it is and what it is when I'm here.
ReplyDelete# the music and the voice somehow makes me very sleepy and tired but that how i like my room to be the music is nice to have cause i listen music in my house but other song still ti is quiet awesome the sound i hear is not loud but is very quiet. It just great to have this class and that about it. :\
ReplyDeleteI think the music is very nice. It helps me concentrate cause at home i have music on all the time. Nobody yells and screams in hear so its calm and peaceful. If everybody screamed it would be chaos. Miss Naugher's voice is nice because she don't yell ay anyone. I would like the music better if it was the kind of music i listen to but it still good
ReplyDeleteThe sounds are good it is very clam i like that you will not yell at us that you have a very calm voice and the music in the back ground is good for me to stay focus because i like to study with music on i do a lot better and have better grades in school and the talking scale is a good way to keep the class the way that you need them to be so you do not have to yell:)<3
ReplyDeletei like every thing about this class room. its not too loud or too quiet. its like perfect. its a good thing that we have a talking level thingy so that way we're not too loud. the music in here really isn't the kind i listen to at home but it still helps me think and stuff. its just a very good relaxing place oh and it really helps you think:) well thats my opinion:)
ReplyDeleteI like the music and the talking scale cause like it keeps everyone calm. However I don't like the music when I am reading its harder to concentrate. Other than that I don't mind the music
ReplyDeleteI think the music in this class is pretty good, although I don't normally like instrumental. The voice in here is pretty soft or quiet. Ms. Naugher keeps hers at a level tone, however we always scream out. I don't think Ms. Naugher like it though.
ReplyDeleteI like the background music. It is relaxing. The music gets me into a mood where I can think. Plus for me, it is a lot easier for me to think with music, than without the music. I also like the talking scale. It lets us do our work, while we talk.
ReplyDeletei like the music, it would be better to play different songs more often. i hear the same thing a lot. i like your vioce. i can heard you anywhere in the room, unless everybody is talking. the talking scale is good too. it allows you to talk more and i like to talk to my friends.
ReplyDeleteThe music helps me stay subject because the music makes you think about the subject. The music is great. I like the talking scale. It lets us know when we can talk. Also it lets us know how loud we can talk.
ReplyDeleteI dont realy think the music helps me concentrate but I guess its OK. I would realy like alot better if it was the kind of music I listen to at home. I like the talking scale because its never to loud. I also like how miss Naugher dosent yell at anyone
ReplyDeleteThe music in class makes me relaxed and helps me think better it sets the mod of what I'm writing and help me do my work. One of my favorite things is the talking scale it enables us to talk to your friends without getting yelled at. The way all the sounds are in this room is ideal for a working space. I can think, talk, and enjoy it all at the same time. Silence really annoys me, this is probably my favorite class, because of the the music, and the way that everything is. I'm able to do my work better because when I try to work in silence I really can't think. I hear little tiny noises and they distract me. But the music going on in the room is soothing and very enjoyable.
ReplyDeleteI love the music you play in here. It might help some people be more creative..i know it helps me. I also like the talking scale because we know whether we can talk or not, and if so how loud! I like the way your voice is always very calm and peaceful!! you never raise your voice you always get on to people in a very calm serene voice.
ReplyDeleteI love the music and talking scale! The music makes me feel comfortable and makes me think "okay, time to work." And the talking scale is great! Miss Naugher doesn't have to raise her voice. When the other teachers have to shout over everyone to be quiet it can get really annoying. Only because some people are saying "shhhh" and some people keep talking. And on top of all that, the teacher is shouting and getting irritated! I really like the music when I read. Because when I listen to music I always picture things in my head like what the lyrics say. It's like my own little world! So when the music turns on and I'm reading I have the perfect scene in my head with my book!
ReplyDeleteI love the calming music played in the classroom. I have always used music to study, do homework , and other chores. When I here the music I know it is time to get started and do my work. I remember coming in the first day of school and learning about the talking scale. I thought it was the best idea! It lets students know when it is ok to talk and when it is not. I also really like the way Ms. Naugher talks to her students. She talks to us in a calm voice, unlike other teachers that yell and scream at their students. It makes me feel welcome.
ReplyDeleteI think the music is really helpful. Like at home, i usually do my homework and study to music off my ipod. So now that I'm used to music, I work better with it. And I like that different topics have different types f music to go along with it. Like wen we did the Halloween topics, we had scary music to go along with it. Which was really cool.
ReplyDeleteThe music is wonderful. It helps me concentrate when we are writing. I think the music helps me a lot. The talking scale is really smart. In other classes it is just talk or don't talk. In here i love it how we have level so we can talk more but at different volumes. I think it is great how you talk so peacefully. You always talk the right volume too. In other classes sometimes the teacher talks to loud or talks to soft. Everything is great about music and voice in here.
ReplyDeleteThe sounds in this classroom are very relaxing. I like not having words because whenever i hear a familiar song, my first intention is to start singing along with it. Also, if I'm thinking about the words to the song, I start to write them on my paper. The music that you have makes me very relaxed and i believe that it makes me write better. I love the talking scale. I hate how all of my other classes only have two options: talk or don't talk. I believe that there are times when talking is acceptable. You voice is very calming. I have a lot of coaches for teachers and their voices are very loud and frightening at times, and it makes me feel like i should be running down a football field as opposed to doing my work. Your voice is always very gentle and quiet and i believe that that helps me to do my work better and faster. Overall, every sound in this room is great and helps me to be more productive in class. I am definently a fan of the music(:
ReplyDeleteThe music is very different than the music i listen to at home. Yet it is still peaceful it make me kinda mellow out like when im in a deep sleep and every thing is right in the world. Its like the music is comforting to listen to but it doesn't help me concentrate more.
ReplyDeleteMs. Naugher has good voice in her room, but the music is a different story. Everyone hears something a little different in a certain piece of music. If it is sad to me, yet happy to Billy Bob in front of me, I cant help but have a story leaning more toward a sad ending, and Billy Bob will have a slightly happier story, no matter what the topic. In other words, writing a scary story will be scarier with scary music, opposed to slow, peaceful music. Some of the music is likable, while other music is distracting. The music really confines me to a certain mood Yet,. I like the idea of music, because it gives the room a good feel. I dont really know what to think.
ReplyDeleteokay well the music is quite annoying ha-ha just because i dont listen to this kind of music... but i mean if we get some classic rock up in here ok with that... and maybe some music like im not sure but still....... im ok i mean at least we have music... i work better and do better when im listening to my myspace playlist because i know all the words to every song so like i pretty much rap while i cleaning or doing homework or just hanging out and so i wish we could have at least some music that we all know i mean it aint gotta be rap or nothing but like come classic rock like Bennie and the jets ha ha or like umm... bohemian rhapsody ha ha but the sounds are pretty cool i guess its quit and i like the way we can talk while we are doing ourwork and not get in trouble
ReplyDeleteI like the music. Sometimes, when we are doing the breathing technique, and you tell us what we are going to be writing about for the day, the music in the background builds up what you are saying. That makes my thinking go to extremes. The voice in here is great too.
ReplyDeletewendy martinez :)
ReplyDeleteI'm just winging it here since i forgot my papers. I'm going to write/type about the environment and mood i feel in this classroom. the first time i stepped into this classroom it took me by surprise. i took a step back as if someone had pushed me back. when we sat down i felt uneasy and awkward. i had never had a classroom so different as this one. when Ms. Naugher had given us the "breathing technique".
i thought," what's going on?". then after a while i got used to it the scents the exquisite yet abnormal lighting. the mood i feel to me i feel at ease and calm. most of the times when I'm in here i think about the ocean and just walking along side it. feeling the waves crash and splash little sprinkles of water on my face. i hear the seagulls squawking from above. the mood is one i only feel in here i have never felt it anywhere else, not at home or any other classroom, never. it feels as if this class is worry free like worries never can get in here. even on my most stresses' days i feel calm and collected. i love everything about his classroom if i could i would make time completely stay he same so i could have more time in the class. Mrs.Naugher my compliments go out to you. best teacher and classroom ever!
personally, i love that we have music in the background because music is basically my life(: the music is not loud at all & its soothing & relaxing. the talking scale it doesnt really matter to me because, well it just doesnt(: i like the fact that we dont have to be completely quiet all of the time though!*
ReplyDeleteThe music in here really does have my mind set to work. When I'm cleaning my room or doing homework, I usually have music going. So, when the time comes to write, the music sets my mind where it needs to be. I do like the talking scale because it's easier to get us quiet and it doesn't waste a lot of time trying to get us quiet for the next assignment. I'm also glad that you don't raise your voice because it usually causes us to be loud back and it just turns into chaos in an instant.
ReplyDelete"Music and Voice "
ReplyDeleteI really like the music. Of course its not the kind of music I listen to at home. Its like a stress reliever. The music soothes me and makes me feel peaceful.
I think that the talking scale is a brilliant idea! Miss Naugher can come in the room and make a zero with her hand and everyone will stop talking!
The music gets on my nerves cuz we listen to the same stuff over and over again it gets old but other than that it helps me think better i play misic when i clean my room the voice scale is okay
ReplyDeleteThe music in here is pretty weird. I do like the idea of music in the class but not this kind. The voice in the class perfect. Mrs. Naugher never yells or raises her voice at us. The talking scale also helps because it never gets to loud.
ReplyDeleteI love the music in this classroom. It is so calming. It reminds me of home when Im reading and my music is playing. I also like the voice level in this room. Its hardly ever loud and I enjoy that. I love the music and voice level in this classroom(:
ReplyDeleteWhen I hear the music in this classroom I can't help but think oh how lame. I dislike it very much. It would be a WHOLE lot better if she would play some better songs. No offense to Ms. Naugher. When it plays though I calm so it's good but bad! The way Ms. Naugher handles us is very good for her. She has a talking scale that some of us follow. SOME...but I love Ms. Naughers class it's cool :)
ReplyDeleteI love the music in this classroom. It is so calming. It reminds me of home when Im reading and my music is playing. I also like the voice level in this room. Its hardly ever loud and I enjoy that. I love the music and voice level in this classroom.
ReplyDeleteI love the music being in the classroom.It gets me into the working mood cause overtime i am doing chores at home i listen to music. Even though its not overall my favorite music it gives you a sense of peace while your doing your work.I also like how know one is screaming in here while your doing your work you can concentrate.Thats why I think the music and voices work good in this class.
ReplyDeleteI like the music in the class because i us music when i study and clean my room.I dont like the music sometimes though.The voice level thing is ok.I see were you are coming from.When your trying to talk and were talk and we cant hear you that means your going to have to scream at us.You never yell like any of the other teachers.That what i like a non-yelling teacher.
ReplyDeletei think miss.naughers music is very peaceful and calming. Even though I don't listen to this kind of music at home or anywhere else i enjoy listening to it here. i truly do enjoy coming to this class and look forward to each and everyday.(: It's really nice to know that a teacher cares enough to make sure we are okay with the music,the environment,the lighting,the voice,the sounds! because most teachers don't!
ReplyDeleteThe music in Miss Naugher's room is another thing that helps me relax. Its nothing like the music I listen to but when I am writing I feel like the music helps me some how. The talking scale I believe is an easy way to control her classroom. This way we know how loud we can get before we get in trouble. Also to shut us up she doesn't have to yell, all she has to do is hold up her hand in the shape of a zero and then we be quiet. When people yell all it does it create more chaos and makes people talk louder than they already were.
ReplyDeleteMusic, the music in Miss Naugher's class isn't the music i listen to i listen to screamo and rap; but thats not as calm and soothing as Miss Naugher's music. Her music is more of the boring but soft and soothing without words and everything. Miss Naugher music makes me happy and cheerful. Voice, the voice part in here I love cause, I hate when you are doing your work and somebody is in your ear talk non-stop. Well thats all I have to say..:)
ReplyDeleteI think that the background music is okay. some of the music she puts is cool but others are wacker than wack but I'm okay with it. I also get annoyed of the music because wen it finishes it starts all over again and we listen to it like 30 times before the bell ring. Oh, and I like the tone of voice on the room because none is screaming or doing anything loud.
ReplyDeleteI like the music and voice!!!(:I like the music on because it makes class more fun! Instead of just sitting here doing our work we get to enjoy music to... The talking scale i really like because there's usually not one day where we cant talk or whisper.. When Miss Naugher lets us talk while we are working it shows that we are mature enough to talk a little and get our work done!!Other classes we just get to sit there working with no music and not being able to whisper it gets way boring very fast!!
ReplyDelete"Music and Voice"
ReplyDeleteWith the music in the background it just makes the finishing touch on Miss. Naugher`s classroom. It is just SO inspiring! It helps you concentrate on what you are about to write. You are so relaxed in here that your thoughts just flow out onto you paper.
Every time I go to my room to write,read,clean, or even sleep, I turn on my favorite music. It varies from country to pop, gospel and rock. I love all kinds of music, Since i am involved with music
ReplyDeleteI love the music in the class. I listen to hip-hop and rap most of the time but, I like this kind of music for working. Another reason I like the music in here is because I listen to this music, except with words, when I'm cleaning my room or my chores, sometimes. Also, your voice in this classroom is quiet but, loud enough for everybody to hear you. Plus, I don't like it when teachers yell at me and, sometimes, I don't even know what they're yelling at me for. Another thing, the talking scale. I'm glad you have the talking scale because usually you don't speak unless you're spoken to. That makes me feel like I'm in the army. I love the music and voice here.
ReplyDeletei like the music in here. it helps me concentrate more because mostly everywhere i go I'm always listening to music. even when i'm reading, or even doing homework, or even doing my chores, i always listen to music of course this isn't the music i listen to but it's okay. the music in here is relaxing. the talking scale is great in here. I think it works because we can talk and do our work at the same time i love the talking scale!
ReplyDeleteI really like the lighting in the room. It makes me feel better. I'm always tired in other classes. It makes me work better I think. Last ear I hated english. This year it's fun. I think lighting plays a roe n that. It also I think helps me write and think of what I'm going to right about.
ReplyDeleteI think the mood is creative. That is because all the colors and pictures. This room is not boring at all. The colors just pop out. This is very peaceful also, because its dim in the room. It is also because of the background.
ReplyDeletei think the music blends very well into the mood of the room. it seems so peaceful and serene. everything is quiet and bliss. it reminds you of one of those moments in a movie when a group of characters is around a campfire listening to a mysterious guest play a harp or another soft instrument for them in exchange for the company. you always feel warm and comfy. it kind of sends you into a lull. if you really think about it, it makes you think of rustic times, when people would be together a lot, making music with old instruments. it also makes you a bit drowsy as well. its a wonderful feeling of calmness. you just want to lay back and relax, enjoy the atmosphere. it also reminds you of when someone is thinking of a flashback of something that happened long ago to them, something unknown and mysterious, but something simple and everyday.
ReplyDeletethe talking scale only makes the peacefulness enhance. the quiet makes you feel like your in a wood, alone, but surrounded by beautiful nature. it makes you wonder how anything could be more harmonized.
I think the mood in here is very welcoming. It is not like it is all one type. The different mood I feel in here help me write and read a lot better. the mood has the mood of some cool hangout. The quiet mood helps thinking a lot too.
ReplyDeleteThe music is ok but it would help to get a different kind of music.The way you talk to us is great i hate to be yelled at. But other than that it's ok.
ReplyDeleteI don't much care for the music, it gets o my nerves most of the time. Sometimes when I'm thinking it distracts me and makes me confused. I think the talking scale is decent. I also like that Miss Naugher doesn't raise her voice when she gets angry at a student.
ReplyDeleteI love the music and "voice" of this classroom. I love the music. It's calming and relaxing. I enjoy this class. I love the fact that we can speak our opinion and our opinion and not get trashed on because we spoke. I love the fact that not only does Miss Naugher ask us to speak whats on our mind but she encourages us!! I love it!
ReplyDeleteI like the talking scale. Most classes are either loud or quiet. In here its usually just whispering. The music, though, i hate. Its annoying and distracting. It isn't calming or anything, just distracting. I don't like it because its basically a repeat of the same song over and over.
ReplyDeleteI believe the talking scale is good in your classroom, I like the quiet. I really could do without the music in the background. In my opinion, it is just plain out annoying. When I am trying to think up a story, the last thing I need is music to help me, it makes me forget what I was thinking. Thank you and good day.
ReplyDeleteThe music is really not that of music. Itjust gets on my nerves because I hear the same thing over and over again. It would be better if you would switch the CD. I really like the talking scale. it gives us more time to talk.
ReplyDeleteThe music in the classroom is very boring. I work better when the classroom is silent. It helps me concentrate on what i am writing about. I tend to get distracted when the music is playing. But i like how Miss Naugher never raises her voice at us. The talking scale also helps to keep our voices at a controllable level.
ReplyDeleteI like how Miss Naugher doesn't yell at anyone. I don't like it when people yell. The music is one of my favorites about this classroom. It really helps me think. Its also very relaxing.
ReplyDeleteI really like the music cause it helps me. One day i was reading a book and it was getting boring so I said i was going to do what Mrs. Naugher does. I did it and it helped me read a book faster than ever. So i started to do it every time i read so i like it what about you?
ReplyDeleteI like the music. The music is very soothing n my opinion sometimes it's the some stuff though and it gets on my nerves. I don't like the talking scale. I'd rather have no talking than be changing all the time. It's just not very fun on the talking scale. It seems we're more on 0 tan anything else. I'm also glad you don't scream over us. That just because you're usually screaming over a few people can not at everyone.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the music that plays very low as we work! I think it takes me to my place of relaxation. It also helps me write a lot better. I really like the music because, if there was no music playing at all it would be really quiet and the slightest sound would distract everyone. I also really like the talking scale. It works very well to me because no one is ever over level three.
ReplyDeleteThe music in the room gets kind of annoying sometimes. Like when we're doing the breathing technique. Everything gets quiet and all we here is the music so it's kind of distracting. Sometimes it does help though.
ReplyDeleteMiss Naugher's voice is pretty easy to listen. It is not like voices on educational videos that it is impossible to listen to. Miss Naugher is different. She uses her hands along with her voice to communicate.
I find the music very soothing. It makes me think of laying on the beach in the warmth of the sun. It also makes me think of kindergarden, during nap time, and the teacher would play soothing music, It's a tool that strikes creativity in the mood and that is food for englsih. Now the talking scale is pretty good. It brings order to the classroom. It's different which makes it unique.
ReplyDeletei like the music because it doesn't distracted me and make me write about what the lyrics are talking about. i also like it because it helps me relax from what has happen today. i also like the talking scale because most of the time it keeps people from talking very loud. i also like how it's up on the walls because i can look at it when i forget what a level 2 is. i think the music and the talking scale keeps some people relaxed
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the music in Ms.Naugher's classroom! It blocks out all of the noise and disruptions that keep me from writing my best. It really helps me focus on what I'm doing.
ReplyDeleteIt honestly inspires me. Like when we have a writing prompt on a creepy story, the music is creepy. Or when we're writing about our favorite memory the music is happy and upbeat. The music really sets the tone for us.
And another thing that really benefits us is Ms.Naugher's tone of voice. I personally think she does an excellent job with keeping her voice calm but serious.
You can usually tell when she is upset or angry (which isn't often), but she never raises her voice. The way teacher's talk and react to us really effects us. Ms.Naugher always keeps her voice at a nice level, therefore we're going to follow how she talks to us.
the music in this class is ok. I think she plays this music so nobody complains. It helps me think alot though. The bets thing about the music is that it drowns out any other common classroom noises.
ReplyDeleteI like the sound in the class room cause it is so quite. But in the background it is music and it is so peaceful. The way the teacher talks is cool cause she never yells at us. she always has a calm voice and that is cool. It is really never loud in the class room cause we have a talking scale of 0, 1,2,or 3 so it never gets to loud.
ReplyDeletei love the music in your room it is peaceful,calming,&realaxing to me i can consentrate better with it on it also makes me be more attentaive,,and the voice part of it i like it miss naugher has a soft soothing voice
ReplyDeleteI like the music and the talking scale. I think it helps everybody calm down and relax. Ilearn more things in this classroom than in any other classroom.
ReplyDeletethe music in the room is very realxing. it never gets to loud. it helps me concerate. i like the talking scale because we do get to talk. and i like how miss.naugher dosent raise her voice! so i like the music and talking scale!
ReplyDeleteI like the music in the classroom, even though its not really the kind of music i ususally listen to, i like when im working because it focuses me on what were doing and it makes the room a little less boring. I think the talking scale is very good, too. It gives us time to talk and a level so we wont be too loud, intead of just being super quiet like in some classes. I also like how you dont scream when were loud like some other teachers. When your quiet it makes us more quiet, too.