Thursday, March 22, 2012

Expository Essays and Visual Aids

Austin presents his essay about "How to Wakeboard"Christa's essay: "How to Make Sausage Balls"
Molly: "How to Make Brownies"
Tiger teaches "How to Make His Homeade Chicken Alfredo"
Garrett teaches "How to Tie a Tie"
Mason: "How to Make a Paper Airplane"

More Expository Presentations

Makayla teaches "How to make Hot Chocolate"
Bryann: "How to Draw"
Eliseo: "How to Draw a Dragon"
Ashelyn: "How to Curl Hair"
Tessa: "How to Paint Nail Designs"
Cole: "How to Ride a Bike"
Bobbie-Anne: "How to Paint a Tree with a Bottle"
Vicky: "How to Make Gorditas"
Tyler: "How to Hunt a Deer"
Ragan: "How to Draw a Cat"

Friday, March 16, 2012

Expository Writing Explains

Cailey & Samantha: "How to Have Fun Being a Twin"
Johnna: "How to Play Golf"
Dakoda: "How to Make a Friendship Bracelet
Laura Beth "How to Make Cornbread Cake"
& Cloie teaches "How to make 10 minute a Cake"
Katie & Allie: "How To Shoot a Basketball"

Allison: "How to Groom Your Poodle"
Tanner: "How to play Guitar"
Madeline: "How to Take Care of your Puppy"
Carly: "How to Curl Your Hair"
Bailey: "How to Make a Shoelace Rope"
Lupe: "How to Make Fruit Salad"
Tyler: "How to Hit a Baseball"
Ana: "How to Make Cookies"
Kelsey: "How to Make Indoor Smores"
Amber: "How to Put on Eyeshadow"

If I say "Expository Writing?" in my class, you will hear 32 voices each period in unison shout back "Explains!" As we are reviewing different types of writing in class, students today were told to write an expository essay that explains "how to" do something, make something, or a explains part of their unique culture and/or family traditions.
The essays were wonderfully descriptive explanations of life for 13 year olds. The visual aids that accompanied them were very cool and educational as well. Today I learned how to make Toddric's "double pigs in a blanket" as well as "how to keep a clean locker" from Sarah W.
Here's a few others.

Monday, March 5, 2012

I Have A Dream Speeches

Please comment on the presentations from class that you most agreed with and explain why in a well-developed paragraph. Proofread before you post!